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Essentials oils for breathing and respiratory comfort

Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well-being...

However, some of the health claims associated with these oils are controversial. This article explains all you need to know about essential oils and their health effects.

What are essential oils? Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant's scent and flavor, or "essence." Unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence. Essential oils are obtained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. Once the aromatic chemicals have been extracted, they are combined with a carrier oil to create a product that's ready for use. The way the oils are made is important, as essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true essential oils."


This month discover the organic essential oil blend "Oxygen" to promote respiratory comfort for diffuser from Bougie La Francaise. Made in France.

Born from the Greek feminine "sunergia", which means "cooperation", synergy is a pooling of means that reinforce each other to achieve the same goal. Sociology calls this action "collective cohesion", physiology calls it "fulfillment", and psychology sees "harmony". Being the fruit of the collaboration between Bougies La Française and an aromatherapy laboratory, this oxygen synergy oil blend for diffuser is a subtle and harmonious combination of 5 essential oils that are 100% organic and certified organic ORGANIC PERFUME controlled by ECOCERT GREENLIFE F-32600. This synergy of essential oils of pine, eucalyptus and peppermint promotes respiratory comfort

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